Public Allies Central Florida
Everyone leads.

In partnership with the AmeriCorps national service network, Public Allies Central Florida (PACF) trains young adults to become values-based leaders that focus on a just and equitable society for all. PACF combines paid apprenticeships at non-profits and public sector organizations with intensive skills training, capacity-building projects, personal coaching, volunteer management certification and critical reflection. The 10-month experience provides the leadership skills and experience for Central Florida’s next generation of young adults to become agents of change for their communities.
Since 1992, more than 6,000 Allies have completed the program nationwide (including almost 200 local graduates), with more than 80% continuing careers in non-profit or public service. The Public Allies™ track record has led to recognition by the Pew Partnership for Civic Change, The Bridgespan Group, McKinsey & Co., Fast Company, and others. Public Allies™ citizen-centered, values-based approach to leadership has created pathways for young people to engage in their communities, and has helped the communities and organizations they serve tap into the energy, passion, and perspectives of a new generation.
PACF is locally supported by individual donors and Orange County Government. Recent apprentice host organizations include Florida Hospital, Heart of Florida United Way, CareerSource Central Florida, City of Orlando and more
For more information on how to partner or apply, please visit
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Organizations share the benefits of partnering with Public Allies. Chief among them is having a dedicated person to help them accomplish goals they’ve always wanted to achieve.