We're fostering FACTS!
Extra extra, read all about it! Did you know we launched two video series? What to Expect When you’re Expecting (to be a foster parent) and Foster Facts LIVE!

In these series, you’ll hear from current Central Florida foster parents as they talk candidly about their experience. We’ll get up close and personal to learn the joys and challenges of fostering, along with advice across a variety of topics for anyone considering beginning this richly rewarding journey.
View our introductory video to this great series:
What to Expect When Expecting (to be a foster parent)
Fostering can seem daunting and scary, but it doesn’t have to be!
In this video, Lead Foster Parent Recruiter Kyraneshia Coleman answers some of our most frequently asked questions about becoming a foster parent. We’ll be discussing:
- What are the first steps in the process?
- What does a home study include?
- What kind of supports exist if I need help or advice?
- Do I have to be married?
- Can I live in an apartment?
And more!
Foster Care: As told by Claudia De La Torre
In this episode of our video series, What to Expect When Expecting (to be a foster parent) – we are with Claudia De La Torre, a courageous young woman who transitioned out of foster care. Claudia’s story is unique, as she called the abuse hotline herself when it was clear her mother’s mental illness made her mother unable to care for her properly.
In this video, you will learn about Claudia’s experience living in a group home, and why she advocates for every child who comes into foster care to have a foster family to call their own.
Fostering as a Relative Caregiver
Did you know that two-thirds of children who enter the foster care system live with relatives? To help make the removal as painless as possible, locating a caregiver who is known to the child is a first priority when children come into care. In this video, joined by Larry Cooper from Children’s Home Network, we discuss the supports available for families who find themselves in these unfamiliar waters.
Fostering and the Empty Nester
Over the years, Fred and Katrina Williams watched lovingly as their sons and daughters grew from children into teens, and teens into adults. They watched with pride as their children walked across stages with diplomas in hand, fell in love and said “I do”, and left home to embark on their next stage of life.
Peace and quiet settled over the home as all of the hustle and bustle associated with children fell away. Now, several years later, this comforting noise is back as Fred and Katrina start their parenting journey all over again by welcoming foster children into their hearts and home.
On this episode of Foster Facts LIVE, we spoke with Fred and Katrina about their experience in starting over as a new kind of parent: a foster parent.
Foster Care: As Told by Teens
The most important part about May, Foster Care Awareness Month, is, well, our youth in foster care. While you often hear us talk about their hopes, fears, and dreams, the best way to learn about what they feel and experience is from our youth themselves.
You’ll hear directly from our panel of young adults about their experience in foster care, what they wish people knew about teens in foster care, and advice for anyone thinking about becoming a foster parent.
Fostering Teens
Nathan and Christina Wilson are a couple in their early 30’s who exclusively foster teenage boys – one of the hardest populations to find foster homes for. This short three minute video will give a glimpse into their lives as foster parents as they discuss their experience and journey.
Fostering and the Single Parent
Just because Valentine’s Day is for couples, doesn’t mean fostering has to be!
When then 27 year-old Steven Arauz, an elementary school teacher, learned that one of his fourth grade students, Quentin, was in need of a foster family, his mind started racing.
“Am I too young? Do I need to be in a relationship? Am I ready to jump in as a single dad?”
He worried…but Quentin needed him, so he rose to the occasion.
On this episode of Foster Facts LIVE, we spoke with Steven about his experience as a young, single foster dad. Take twenty minutes to watch this informative session focused on joys, challenges, and navigating the system as a single Foster Parent.
Fostering with Biological Children
Foster parents German and Danae Fuentes discussed one of our most commonly heard fears: How will fostering affect my biological children?
Fostering with PRIDE
Betty and Melinda Potts-Cerio were first introduced to the foster care system when Melinda joined our Legacy Mentor Program as a mentor. As the relationship with her mentee grew, Melinda felt her heart calling her to do something more for children in need – so she and her wife began the process to become foster parents.
On this episode of Foster Facts LIVE, we spoke with Betty and Melinda about their experience as a same-sex couple who have both fostered, and adopted. This informative session focused on the ins, outs, and joys of fostering with pride.
We were joined by The Zebra Coalition who provided special insight on how prospective foster parents can best meet the unique needs of LGBTQ+ youth.
Learn more about foster care and how to become a foster parent.