Pathways to Home
Every child needs a safe home.

Pathways to Home (PTH) helps families with children who are experiencing homelessness to obtain and maintain stable housing. The National Center on Family Homelessness reports that homeless children are four times more likely to be sick than their stably housed peers, and have three times the rate of emotional and behavioral problems. Children who have been homeless are 34 times more likely to end up in the foster care system not because they have been abused or abandoned, but because their parents simply are unable to provide a safe home.
Our goal is not simply to find housing for families, but to help them develop a resiliency that will keep them stable for the rest of their lives. PTH serves families in Orange, Osceola and Seminole counties through rapid re-housing and permanent supportive housing programs. Core tenets of the program include strengths-based case management, housing search assistance, financial literacy and employment training, and needs-based financial assistance.
PTHs work to end family homelessness is supported by private donors, foundations and local government agencies, including: Homeless Services Network, Seminole County Government, City of Orlando, Westgate Resorts Foundation, PNC Foundation, Margaret R. Parks Williams Charitable Foundation, inFaith Community Foundation, and Embrace Families CBC.
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