Aftermath of Hurricane Ian
UPDATE 10/2/2022:
UPDATE 9/30/22:
Thanks to all who replied so quickly to let us know you are safe in the wake of Hurricane Ian.
Be advised that Embrace Families buildings will remain closed to staff and visitors through Friday as we work to assess building damage and safety. While team members are working remotely, they remain available to assist with all essential and time sensitive priorities.
If assistance is needed:
Youth contact youthservices@embracefamilies.org
Caregivers contact caregiversupport@embracefamilies.org
All others contact communications@embracefamilies.org
If additional emergency assistance is needed, here are links to local emergency sites in nearby counties: Orange, Osceola, Volusia Seminole, Brevard, Polk, Lake; and the City of Orlando.
Embrace Families is monitoring the projected track of Hurricane Ian. As a reminder to our youth, families and caregivers, as the storm passes through, expect to receive text, phone and email alerts from us through the Embrace Families emergency response system (ERS). Please reply to these messages when promoted. This will help us ensure that everyone in your home is safe and accounted for.
In counties where the school system closes during a storm, Embrace Families’ buildings in that county will also close to staff and visitors. While we await the arrival of the storm, and power/internet remains available, our team members will continue to work remotely to fulfill priority and time-sensitive obligations. Note: Orange, Osceola and Seminole counties have announced that schools will be closed through Friday, October 30. School closure schedules are subject to change.
In case emergency assistance is needed, here are links to local emergency preparedness sites in nearby counties: Orange, Osceola, Volusia, Seminole, Brevard, Polk, Lake; and the City of Orlando.
Emergency shelters have been activated in Orange Seminole and Osceola counties. These links will help you locate information on emergency weather shelters near you: Orange, Osceola, Seminole.
We will provide additional information and updates as they become available. In the meantime, please stay safe and stay in touch.