Children’s Advocacy Center Osceola (CAC Osceola) strives to reduce the trauma of children who are victims of sexual and physical abuse. From the moment children and families enter its doors for the very first time, CAC works hard to put children at ease during one of the most traumatic times in their young lives.
Helping children begin their journey towards healing requires a community approach. Bringing together all professionals from law enforcement to medical personnel and victim advocates, CAC Osceola ensures survivors are able to get the help they need while only telling their story once to minimize further trauma. Despite all this — CAC Osceola is a hidden secret in our community.
That is why we will be hosting “CAC Rocks,” an innovative scavenger hunt to raise awareness for CAC Osceola by hiding 200 rocks painted by survivors of child abuse and their caregivers in Historic Downtown Kissimmee. Just like children, each rock is different and unique. Each rock features a positive word or message — a small sign of their strength and hope.
Taking place September 12 — October 12, we encourage the community to search in local businesses for these tokens of hope. These rocks feature special instructions to hold it up, take a selfie, and upload it to social media with the hashtag #CACRocks. For each rock found, our friends at Orlando Health have committed to donate $10. But that’s not all! Each rock has a number written on it, some numbers corresponding to a special prize. Participants can win prizes like an echo dot, Tupperware basket, children’s books, and more!
Trust us, it gets better. On Saturday, September 15th from 9am-12pm, there will be a competition beginning at the CAC offices. Whoever finds the most rock during that time period will win tickets to Walt Disney World.
A public health crisis, it’s time to bring this taboo topic front and center to the public eye. We want to create a massive digital presence, sparking a conversation. We want victims to arrive to our website and think “I am not alone.” Just like the rocks, we want CAC to be found. To show ourselves as an accessible resource for anyone in need.
Come join us and have some fun finding rocks while helping spread awareness about this important cause. As a community, we have to care for our children. If you see something, say something. Never assume that there’s someone else out there taking care of the situation. By participating in #CACRocks and spreading the world, you truly could change a child’s life.