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"Don't be too hard on yourself." Tips for parents as kids head back to school, whatever that looks like.
As featured in Central Florida Lifestyle magazines.
What to keep in mind as kids get back to school and throughout the school year.
By Amanda Reineck, MSW, RCSWI
Parenting is never easy, but 2020 has been especially taxing. Over the past few months, we've learned to navigate closed classrooms, virtual learning, lockdowns and medical precautions, and, not least of all, the herculean feat of keeping kids entertained at home. With Florida schools reopening, some parents will be sticking with virtual learning while others will be sending their kids back to class. For many, the decision wasn't made lightly, with complicating factors such as work, health, education, social development, emotional wellness and, yes, the household budget up for consideration. Unlike in the spring, when we adapted to home learning with a "sink or swim" mentality, time and experience were on our side this summer. No matter what back-to-school season will look like for each of us, here's what to keep in mind.
Learning at Home
There are 20 unread emails, the laundry needs sorting, the kids need help with schoolwork and Zoom just crashed. There's no question that setting up a school environment at home is a challenge. It may help to designate part of the house for quiet study time, ideally in a room where everyone can work together. Pencil in time for breaks, too. Playing a round of Frisbee, coloring pictures or having an impromptu dance party aren't just outlets for pentup energy -- they're opportunities for physical and creative growth. Especially for younger kids, who are still learning the ins and outs of socialization, virtual classes can't replace time spent with classmates. As a safer alternative, consider scheduling supervised, one-on-one playdates with trusted friends and neighbors.
Returning to School
For many families, sending children back to school was a big decision -- even a scary one. For some, it's the first time since the spring that the kids will mingle with large groups of people. That's why it's important to teach good health and safety habits and reteach them as necessary until they become the norm. Even young kids can learn to say hello without touching: Ask them to wave, hug themselves or tap feet with friends instead. Children learn best from practice, so make it a daily routine to wash hands and avoid touching the eyes or mouth. If you have older children or teens, sit down with them and discuss what precautions they need to follow. What steps will they take when they come home from school? What social or extracurricular activities may need to adapt? In our rapidly changing environment, a COVID-19 outbreak at school or at home may cause temporary closures, so make sure to have a contingency plan in case schools revert to home learning.
It's a uniquely challenging time to be a parent, so we shouldn't be too hard on ourselves or our kids. Be ready for off days, academic struggles, last-minute messes and worries. Take time for self-care and know that it's okay to feel stressed. Don't hesitate to reach out for help: Remember, we're all in this together.

Source: (Central Florida Lifestyle Magazine - August 2020)