Hope for More Anti-Gala
Is it possible to raise money for the community without wearing heels and an evening gown? Do you think it’s possible to do so while tailgating? And do you also believe that it’s possible to spread awareness in the community while you’ve got a red solo cup in your hand? ABSOLUTELY. So, if ANY of the aforementioned ideas sound like your idea of making an impact on our community then you’ll love this event.
One great night
Remember that “one great night” in college? Yeah? Us too. We’re about the relive that. Minus the Aqua Net and swatch watches.
With a party as big as this one, we’re gonna need some room and Lexus of Orlando is EXACTLY the space we need.
Food and drink
Red solo cup – we’ll fill you up! Along with Orlando’s top-notch food trucks and bartenders, you’re SURE to create memories for your Insta stories.
A great cause
Food, drink, and fun for a good cause? You betcha! Purchase a ticket and pour a drink – we’re about to make fundraising history!
View more information at http://hopeformorefoundation.org/anti-gala/.