Dedicated resources for adoptive parents
Embrace Families provides resources, guidance and counseling to families following their adoption.

Resources for families post-adoption
Once a forever family is formed, that bond is unbreakable. However, we understand that raising children who have experienced trauma can provide it’s own unique experiences and challenges.
Embrace Families provides resources, guidance and counseling to families following their adoption. Our goal is to provide a smooth transition as forever families are formed, and on an ongoing basis as they continue to work through the joys and challenges of parenting a child who has experienced trauma. Check-ins take place regularly throughout the first year and services are available until the child’s 18th birthday.
Our post-adoption services team links adoptive parents with those provider partners in our network who are able to best meet their needs. Service referral coordination include, but is not limited to:
- Adoption Competent Therapist
- Targeted Case Management
- Crisis Management Support
- Assistance Navigating Medicaid
- Notification of Community Events
- Request for Award Letter
There are post adoption support groups available to those interested in engaging with other families who have adopted from the foster care system.
Contact our Post-Adoptions Behavioral Health Coordinator and Clinical Coordinator at or 321-207-8259.
Tri County Adoptions Support Groups
Commission 127
The Belonging is a place where you can be known, understood and not judged. As adoptive parents, we sometimes feel like it shouldn’t be this hard. Don’t worry. You’re not alone. You can do this. God is faithful to give you what you need. And sometimes that’s people who understand the journey.
Join us on the first Wednesday of the month at 8:30pm on Zoom and be part of The Belonging, an adoptive family support group. Led by Betsey and Rechaud Bell, founders of Commission 127 and adoptive parents themselves, they know the importance of finding a place of belonging when it’s so easy to feel alone and defeated. Sign up at
Join Embrace Families Caregiver Emotional Support provider FACT, Inc., every 4th Tuesday of the month at 7 pm for their Adoption Peer Support Group. FACT is a nonprofit organization founded by foster/adoptive/kinship/nonrelative caregivers who have experience within the foster care system. Our main goal is to support and serve caregivers who care for our community’s children. For additional information, contact Jerry Pitzer at or 407-233-3288.
Journeys End
The Families by Design is a facilitated group to promote awareness, education, skill building and support for adults and children on the pre and post adoption journey. Attendees also receive encouragement and support enabling them to remain in the adoption match process following a failed adoption match. Specialized support, education and skill building is also presented for families providing relative care in their homes.
The group is facilitated by Tammy Austin, LMHC CEO/Owner Journeys End Counseling and Shanda Moorman, BS CEO/Owner Families on The Mend and is held the 3rd Thursday of each month via Zoom from 6-7:30pm. The fee is $25.00 per family per group. Families also have access to a closed Facebook support group/resources and a podcast summary of the sessions. For additional information please contact Tammy Austin at 321-972-1875 or email at
One More Child
Join One More Child for their monthly support group to assist adoptive families by helping them as they face challenge using Trust Based Relational Interventions. These interventions are based on protocol to increase connection and meet behavioral difficulties using trust as the core; providing a foundational base of the brain and how trauma impacts, while working towards learning interventions that can be used within the home step by step. These interventions are geared towards all ages as developing a strong connection is fundamental across the lifespan.
The group meets the second Thursday of each month at 6:30pm via zoom. The meetings will be led by Melody Caton, LMHC. Melody is the owner of Connecting Families. She has been leading groups/trainings for adoptive families within the child welfare system for over 10 years. Melody is also experienced in providing services for families and children who experience adoption related issues in the private sector. For more information, contact Robert Zarahn, Senior Director of Foster Care at or 863.687.8811.
Circle of Friends Adoption Support Group (for families residing in Orange County, FL)
The early days of the adoption process can bring many joys along with (sometimes) unanticipated challenges. It is the goal of Circle of Friends to support our adoptive parents in those early days of adjusting to the newly formed family.
Join Circle of Friends Adoption Support Group for parents in the pre and post adoption stages of newly finalized adoptions. Starting on March 17, 2021, this group meets every other week, on Wednesdays from 12:00PM to 1:30 PM. The meetings take place via Zoom (for now), and there is no charge for the service.
To register, contact Barbara Defazzio, 386.259.5413,
Embrace Families Community Based Care, Inc. is a community-based care lead agency contracted with the Department of Children and Families.