Governor Scott Proclaims Florida Foster Family Appreciation Week
Governor Scott Proclaims Florida Foster Family Appreciation Week
February 12-18, 2018
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Governor Rick Scott proclaimed the second week of February as Florida Foster Family Appreciation Week, observed on February 12-18, 2018, to celebrate those who protect and offer hope to Florida’s most vulnerable children.
There are approximately 7,184 children in Florida who live with foster families. Foster parents take on the responsibility of providing a supportive, safe, and loving home to children who have been abused or neglected, as well as being a role model for biological parents working towards reunification. These families encourage the success of Florida’s next generation of leaders, parents, and future foster parents.
“While their time with the child may be temporary, the impacts that foster parents have on these children last a lifetime”, said DCF Secretary Mike Carroll. “Not only do foster parents open their homes to children in need, they also support them in a time when they need someone to trust and look up to. Being a foster parent is a selfless act that should be commended and celebrated”.
“Individuals and families who have opened their homes and hearts to Florida’s children and youth in crisis are a testament to the commitment our communities are making to ensuring every child in Florida is in a safe and loving home,” said Florida Coalition for Children CEO Kurt Kelly. “However, as we celebrate these thousands of generous families, we must also remember there are still hundreds of children in need. We hope in sharing the joy fostering can bring into a home, many more families step forward.”
Approximately 5,272 foster families are currently licensed through the State of Florida. All foster parents in Florida must attend an orientation, complete foster parent training, have a child abuse and criminal background check, and participate in a home study and inspection. DCF contracts with lead Community-Based Care agencies that recruit and train families across Florida who serve as foster parents.
During the week of February 12-18, 2018, DCF will be recognizing Florida’s foster parents that exemplify what it means to be compassionate, dedicated, and caring towards Florida’s youth via the department’s Facebook and pages.
Press Release by the Florida Department of Children and Families