Holiday Surprise for Young Adult in Foster Care
Embrace Families teamed up with Reed Automotive Group to surprise a young adult in extended foster care with a Nissan Versa! Thanks to the generosity of a donor, who also grew up in foster care, Nikki no longer has to worry about her and her 4-year-old daughter’s safety in her old, unreliable car. The donor understands not having a family as support and knows that dependable transportation can be life changing. With this donation, he did just that: changed Nikki’s life!
Reed Automotive Group has been a long-standing partner of Embrace Families and has generously donated cars to older youth over the years as well as provided them with hands-on work experience. We are so thankful to Reed Automotive Group for their generosity over the years and belief in our mission.
For more information about the difference opportunities available to help a vulnerable child in need, visit our website and get involved today!