Mentor Stories: Angela and Aliyah
Having an adult that a youth can rely upon for support and guidance is imperative to their success — especially so for youth in foster care. For National Mentoring Month, we have asked our mentors to share some of their thoughts and experiences serving as a mentor for a child in foster care.
January 28, 2018 – “My first meeting with Aliyah was on a Saturday. We went to McDonald’s and talked for over an hour. On the way back to her home, Aliyah looked at me and said, “I think you will like me.” I smiled at her and her and with a wink said, “you think?”
My second visit with Aliyah took place one month later at the Juvenile Hall Court House. After her court appearance, I went back with her case manager to see her. I want to believe she was both surprised, and happy to see me. I looked around to see who from Aliyah’s family was present. There was no one. She was alone. Knowing this, I promised I would visit so she knew she had someone to rely on. Later that week, I went from 7-8pm and sat with her in the visitation room at the Detention Center.
When I learned neither parent had come to visit her at the center, it became all the more important for me to be there for her. We talked and laughed and got serious and laughed again. I made it clear I was going to visit her again before her next court date and, if allowed, ride with her and her case manager to her new home once she is released. I am hoping by keeping my word and being there for her, she will know with all certainty that, yes, I do like her. And that someone out there cares.”
-Angela F.
While positive role models are needed to help youth think critically about the results and consequences of their actions, life is messy. They won’t always make the decisions we hope they will. But we show up. We show them someone cares.For more information on how to become a mentor, please visit our Legacy Mentor Program page or contact Mentor Program Manager, Camber Page