Mentor Stories: Diane and Hannah
Having an adult that a youth can look to for support and guidance is imperative to their success – especially so for youth in foster care. For National Mentoring Month, we have asked our mentors to share some of their thoughts and experiences serving as a mentor for a child in foster care.
January 19, 2018 – “Hannah lives in a house that does a lot of activities. They go to Fun Spot, Sky Zone, theme parks, boating, etc. I picked her up one day after school and we went to the grocery store, we went to my house and fixed tacos, she watched TV in my recliner while I browned the ground beef and after dinner we went on a walk and fed ducks in a nearby pond… just an ordinary evening. When we were on our way home, she said to me, “this was the best day of my life.” Now I am sure that this was an exaggeration, but when she elaborated on it, I understood. My house was quiet in comparison to her children-filled foster home; she used the term “peaceful”. Things were about her and her alone. She had all of my attention all to herself. That’s something very rare or not possible in her current living situation. It’s the little, ordinary things that make such an extraordinary difference in the lives of not only foster children, but in all children.”
-Diane C.
As Diane says, becoming a mentor isn’t about extravagant gifts and gestures. Sometimes, it’s just about helping a child find peace in the chaos. For more information, please visit our Legacy Mentor Program page or contact Mentor Program Manager, Camber Page