Self-Help Resources to Help You Navigate through COVID-19
Embrace Families has put together a running list of self-help and educational resources to guide you through the chaos of COVID-19. Please help yourself to the list of resources below, and be sure to check back as we update the page frequently.
Calming Your Family Flyer courtesy of United Way (English) / Spanish
Coping with Disaster Infographic
Five Tips to Make the Most of Video Chats
Supporting Children and Adolescents Coronavirus
The Stress of Losing a Job
Lost your job due to the COVID-19 outbreak?
Whether you’ve been laid off, downsized, forced to take early retirement, or seen contract work dry up, losing your employment is one of life’s most stressful experiences. Aside from the obvious financial anguish it can cause, the stress of losing a job can also take a heavy toll on your mood, relationships, and overall mental and emotional health.
Read more here by clicking here.
The City of Life Foundation in Orlando makes sure kids leaving foster care are independent individuals. Learn more at www.cityoflifefoundation.com.
Psychology Today has shared ten essential strategies for preserving the mental health of families. Check out their advice by clicking here.
The need to protect kids doesn’t stop during a pandemic. Here’s Glen Casel, Embrace Families CEO, explaining what we are doing to keep kids safe during COVID-19.
Our friends at Florida Blue have opened a FREE 24-hour helpline. All Floridians, including those who are uninsured or insured by another provider, may access the line if they are in need of emotional support.
Looking for tips from top psychologists on how to manage your mental health while social distancing? Check out this article from CNBC.
If you’re feeling stressed, it’s likely the kids in your life are, too. Check out this post on helping children deal with stress and trauma.
Worried about hand washing? A refresher on the basics can’t hurt!
Thanks to our friends at Nemours Children’s Hospital for producing this great video.
At this point, even the kiddos are getting bored of screen time. Here are 70 new ideas of fun indoor activities you can try today.
Dr. Mimi Graham of FSU shares some wise words on helping children deal with stress related to the Coronavirus. Click here to check out the article for more information, and see below for a sneak peek on tips.
– Reassure in age-appropriate language
– Decrease uncertainty
– Increase sense of safety
– Observe for signs of stress
– Play outside
– Change the things you can
– Model good coping skills
– Read books that show ways to cope
– Build resilience
– Keep busy
– Take care of yourself
Meghan Walls, PsyD at Nemours Children’s Hospital offers some great tips to help kids understand Coronavirus. See some of her tips below, and click here to learn more and watch a video.
- Talk to your kids about it
- Give factual, brief, age-appropriate information
- Consult with your pediatrician or mental health provider if their anxiety or stress becomes overwhelming
If you are a parent or child caregiver, Scholastic is offering free, learn-at-home lessons by grade level. Check those out by clicking here.
Are you in search of some great guidance from the CDC on managing anxiety and stress during this time? Click here for tips on helping children cope during school shutdowns due to COVID-19.