Holiday Rescue 2020 | Sponsorships
Join us and help rescue the holidays!
Will you join us for Holiday Rescue 2020 and make the holidays brighter for many of Central Florida’s most vulnerable youth, including those in foster care?
Your support helps us provide more than 2,500 gifts for children and teens; along with 1,000 meals to the families who care for them, many of whom are struggling with job loss and health concerns amidst the ongoing pandemic.
Even with all the obstacles this year has brought our way, including stringent health and safety guidelines that have changed the way we can safely distribute gifts and meals, we plan to turn 2020 on its head. With your help, we will make this year’s Embrace Families holiday gift and meal drive bigger than ever.
Let’s show 2020 what we are made of bringing holiday cheer to an otherwise challenging time, and showing our kids and families that with creativity, resiliency, and support from our neighbors we can make a difference in a big, magical way!
Let’s Rescue the Holidays for
2,500 Children & 1,000 Central Florida Families
For more information about the Holiday Rescue 2020 Campaign, contact us directly at 443-536-1829.