Get out and vote! It matters!
Thursday, October 1, 2020: It’s not too late to make your voice heard!
The deadline to register to vote is October 5th!
There are three ways to register:
• Online
• By Mail
• In Person
Your vote is your voice on issues like healthcare, housing, education — and yes, child welfare!
Think your vote doesn’t matter? Think again!
There have been many times in history that a single vote was the deciding factor in a major election. In 2016, a House Representative from Wyoming won by just one vote, 583 to 582!
Worried about limiting your exposure to COVID-19? That’s okay! You can request an absentee (mail in ballot) and vote from the safety of your home!
Absentee Ballot Deadlines:
• Request by Oct 24
• Return by mail — Received by Nov 3 at 7pm
• Return in person — Nov 3 at 7pm
You can also early vote from October 19th – November 2nd and visit your local polling place to avoid long lines!
Visit the website for your local supervisor of elections and be the change you want to see in the world!
Orange — www.ofcelections.com
Osceola — www.voteosceola.com
Seminole — www.voteseminole.org
***It is the policy of EMBRACE FAMILIES to permit employees to be absent from work to vote in local, state or national elections. Employees who cannot reach their polling place outside of work hours will be permitted paid time off to vote. The time off to vote may not exceed two hours. Evidence of voter registration and voting may be required.